Whats New Sunday!!!! From Sunny Florida
Darn! Thought I might have a chance of being first early this Sunday morning. It's just a bit after 2am here, but still I'm late. The puppies decided they wanted a 2am feeding this morning. Mama Maggie is trying to wean them and they can drink watery milk but they still prefer mama's milk if she'll cooperate. They were not to be denied tonight. Maggie no longer sleeps with them, but we got up to go to the bathroom and she checked on them. That was all it took. Then they thought it was play time so out to the family room we went. They are now zonked out on their fleecy blankie so I think I can put them back to bed shortly. Way too early for even me to get up!
Yesterday Mike and I worked in the yard most of the day. We have a back retaining wall that has a lot of leaky gaps. Dirt works it's way out of the yard and creates low spots. So we filled in the areas with rocks and concrete hoping to stop the loss of dirt. In order to get to the wall we had to trim a bunch of branches, roots, and vines. . . . Man am I stiff now! I think the hot tub will be the first order of business in a few hours.
For now it's back to bed if I can get the pups to go back to sleep. You all have a nice Sunday. It's sunny here but still pretty cool for this late in April. I haven't planted anything outside yet. We'll have a nice day or two and then cold again. Frost warning last night. Take care, Karen C
Karen C